Binagwaho, A. (2016). We need to bring mental health
illnesses out of the shadows. World Bank Blog.
Binagwaho A, Hedge A. (2015). Rwanda’s sustainable
strategy for saving lives. Vaccines Work.
Binagwaho A. (2015). Rwanda’s Quest for Universal
Health Coverage. The Commonwealth Health Partnerships 2015. Nexus Strategic Partnerships.
Binagwaho A, Karema C. (2015). Preserving hope amid
false protection. The New Times.
Binagwaho, A. (2015). Lessons on Aid Effectiveness
from Rwanda. Paper presented at the 143rd APHA Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct.
31-Nov. 4, 2015).
Binagwaho A. (2015). Beyond MDGs: Why we need to
strengthen our institutions. The New Times.
Binagwaho A. (2014). World Health Organization and
UNICEF accountability: we are not there yet. The New Times.
G, Binagwaho A. (2014). Global
Health’s Grand Convergence. Guardian Global Development Professionals Network.
A. A., Binagwaho, A., Kayiteshonga,
Y., Misago, N. C., & Munyandamutsa, N. (2014). Violences de masse,
reconstruction psychique et des liens sociaux: Initiative de développement de
la santé mentale dans la région des Grands Lacs: Editions L'Harmattan.
10. Fromont, A., Kayiteshonga, Y., Misago, N.
C., Ait Mohand, A., Munyandamutsa, N., & Binagwaho, A. (2014). Le
renforcement de l'estime de soi des acteurs comme stratégie de réussite des
interventions en santé: de la socio-psychologie aux politiques de santé.
iolences de masse & reconstruction psychique et des liens sociaux: pour une
initiative de développement de la santé mentale dans la région des Grands Lacs:
Capitalisation de la 3e conférence internationale de Santé mentale, Kigali,
11. Binagwaho
A. (2014). Preparation
is Paramount. Finance & Development Magazine, International Monetary Fund,
12. Binagwaho
A. (2014). We must work
hard to own our liberation. The New Times.
13. Binagwaho
A. (2013). Rwanda’s
approach proves perfect antidote to counterfeit drugs.
14. Binagwaho
A. (2013). Rwandan
health minister hits back at critics of drug company deal.
15. Binagwaho
A. (2013). Clarification
on study of TB drugs. The New Times.
16. Vincent, M., Kaplan, S., Bitega, J.,
Ngeruka, M., Karema, C., & Binagwaho,
A. (2012). One arm, open label, prospective, cohort field study to assess
the safety and efficacy of the PrePex device for scale-up of non-surgical
circumcision when performed by nurses in resource-limited settings for HIV
prevention. Paper presented at the Journal of the International AIDS Society.
17. Karasi, J., Musonera, F., Iranyumviye,
K., Servais, J., Devaux, C., Binagwaho,
A., Schmit, J. (2012). Assessing the WHO recommended first-line ART
regimens for resource-limited settings: comparing the relative virologic
efficacy and resistance patterns of TDF/3TC/NVP to AZT/3TC/NVP in a Rwandan cohort.
Paper presented at the Journal of the International AIDS Society.
18. Binagwaho,
A., Hartwig, R., Ingeri,
D., & Makaka, A. (2012). Mutual Health Insurance and the Contribution to
Improvements in Child Health in Rwanda. Erasmus University. Rotterdam, Netherlands:
International Institute of Social Studies.
19. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Uniting to
uproot malnutrition in Rwanda. The New Times.
20. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Global Health
Solidarity at a Crossroads. Project Syndicate.
21. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Rwanda’s
pursuit of shared wealth through health for all. Commonwealth Health
22. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Rebuilding
Confidence in Rwanda’s Future. The New Times.
23. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Time to take
hygiene issues seriously. The New Times.
24. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Reflections on the Genocide
commemoration week. The New Times.
25. Binagwaho
A. (2012).
Conceptualizing global health delivery in Rwanda. The New Times.
26. Binagwaho
A. (2012). The
Government Accountability Day: my experience. The New Times.
27. Binagwaho
A. (2012). To improve
quality of health services, we must build trust. The New Times.
28. Binagwaho
A. (2012). Direct
Democracy and the Health Sector: Umushyikirano 2011. The New Times.
29. Binagwaho
A. (2011). Outdated
evidence at the WHO: case of Rwanda. The New Times.
30. Binagwaho
A. (2011). Health, Human
Rights, and Democracy. The New Times.
31. Binagwaho
A. (2011). Rwanda, the
Entrepreneurial Nation. The New Times.
32. Binagwaho
A. (2011). Mobilized
Against AIDS. Letters to the Editor, The New York Times.
33. Binagwaho
A. (2011). Letters to
the Editor: Responses to Auditing the Auditor. Global Fund Observer, Issue 150.
34. Binagwaho
A. (2011). Co-financing,
an investment in our children. GAVI Alliance.
35. Knaul FM, Frenk J, and Shulman J, for the
Global Task Force on Expanded Access to Cancer Care and Control in Developing
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Low and Middle Income Countries. Harvard Global Equity Initiative, Boston, MA.
[Contributions by Binagwaho A]
36. Binagwaho
A. (2010). Innovative
Approaches to Political Leadership. In Background Paper for the Global Strategy
for Women’s and Children’s Health: Investing in Our Common Future. Geneva,
Switzerland: World Health Organization.
37. Basinga, P., Gertler, P., Binagwaho, A., Soucat, A., Sturdy, J.,
& Vermeersch, C. (2010). Policy Research Working paper, 5190. Washington,
DC: World Bank.
38. Binagwaho,
A. (2009). Nutritional
Status Among Status Among HIV Non-infected Children Born to HIV Infected
Mothers in Rwanda. Paper presented at the Annals of Nutrition and
39. O’Brien, M. E., Chung, J., Binagwaho, A., Shumbusho, F., Price,
J., & O’Brien, M. E. (2009). Nurse delivery of HIV care: modeling the
impact of task-shifting on physician demand. Press (personal communication).
40. Basinga, P., Gertler, P. J., Binagwaho, A., Soucat, A. L., Sturdy,
J. R., & Vermeersch, C. M. (2009). GDN Working Paper Series.
41. Basinga P, Gertler P, Binagwaho A, Soucat A, Sturdy J,
Vermeersch C. (2009). Paying primary health care centers for performance in
Rwanda (policy research working paper 5190). Washington DC, USA: The World
42. Binagwaho
A, Noguchi J,
Senyana-Mottier MN, Smith Fawzi MC. (2009). Community-Centered Integrated
Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Rwanda, Joint Learning
Initiative of Children and HIV/AIDS.
43. Basinga, P., Gertler, P., Binagwaho, A., Soucat, A., Sturdy, J.,
& Vermeersch, C. (2009). Impact of paying primary health care centers for
performance in Rwanda. Washington, DC: World Bank.
44. Binagwaho,
A., Kramer, M., Asiimwe,
A., Munyakazi, L., & Rwakunda, A. (2008). HIV-AIDS in Rwanda. 2008 epidemic
45. Lin, Z., Engelson, E., Rusine, J., Binagwaho, A., Cohen, M., Fabri, M.,
Kotler, D. (2007). Factors affecting the short term nutritional response to
HAART in Rwandan Women. Paper presented at the Antiviral Therapy.
46. Robison, E., Rwemarika, F., Binagwaho, A., Cohen, M., Asiimwe, A.,
Lu, J., Anastos, K. (2006). Establishing a cohort study to assess effectiveness
and toxicity of antiretroviral therapy in Rwandan survivors of genocidal. Paper
presented at the American Journal of Epidemiology.
47. Ruxin, J., Binagwaho, A., & Wilson, P. A. (2005). Combating AIDS in the
developing world: Earthscan.
48. Binagwaho, A., & Sachs, J. D. (2005).
Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium
Development Goals: Overview: Millennium Project.
49. UN Millennium Project. Task Force on
HIV/AIDS, M., Ruxin, J., Binagwaho, A.,
& Wilson, P. A. (2005). Combating AIDS in the developing world. London:
50. Wilson, P. A., Stabinski, L., Binagwaho, A., & Ruxin, J. (2004).
Combating HIV/AIDS in the Developing World. Interim Report of the Millennium
Project Task Force, 5, 42.
51. Binagwaho,
A., Ruxin, J., Wilson,
P., & Stabinski, L. (2004). Interim report of task force 5 working group on
HIV/AIDS Interim report of task force 5 working group on HIV/AIDS: UNDP.
52. Paul, D. B., Goosby, E. P., Deborah von
Zinkernagel, R., Binagwaho, A.,
Kagame, A., & Ngabo, F. (2003). Client health and quality of life baseline
for HIV/AIDS testing and treatment at the Kacyiru Health Center, Kigali,
Rwanda. The 131st Annual Meeting.